Mobile Shopping
Mobile commerce involves shopping through a mobile device, usually a smartphone. While eCommerce in general has exploded in recent times, mobile transactions are increasing at a phenomenal rate.
Mobile commerce is ready to move to the forefront thanks to the amount of technological advances that are making it easier for users to shop on their phones.
Consumers love mobile commerce due to its convenience and immediacy. They can now make purchases from anywhere, at any time and the trend in online shopping is moving swiftly to more and more transactions being carried out on a mobile device.
At Click Conversion we understand how to match the best and most suitable of these mobile advantages to your business to ensure the best chance of online success. Below is a number of ways we can use mobile to increase online sales for your business.

Social Shopping
Over the last couple of years there has been a significant rise in consumers using their smartphones, not just for browsing, but also completing transactions online. It is more important than ever to ensure your ecommerce website is optimised for use on mobile devices. At Click Conversion we use a mobile first approach and prioritise the mobile user.
One Click Payments
There has been a solid rise in consumers using the likes of apple pay and google pay when purchasing online. By utilising this feature, online retailers can streamline the checkout process, meaning the customers experience improves and ultimately leads to more online sales.
QR Codes
At Click Conversion we always look for ways to make the online-offline link as seamless as possible. One of the ways this can be done is through QR codes. By placing them on physical items such as in store displays, shopping bags, discount cards etc it allows customers that are not quite ready to make a purchase in store, an easy transition to the online store which leads to an increase in sales which otherwise may have been lost.
Email/SMS Marketing
As we get used to less reliance on cookies to gather data, first party data takes on more importance. Now is the time to start using your own data, ie email list, phone lists. Email and SMS marketing are moving to a more prominent position in the marketing mix. At Click Conversion we will establish whether this is right for you and use the technology available to increase your online sales.
If you would like to hear more about how Click Conversion can help you grow your business, click here to start your journey